航前关舱后TR UNIT灯亮,检查TRU1跳开关跳出无法复位,TR1电流0,将TRU1和TRU2对串,故障转移,TRU2跳开关跳出,证实组件故障,原件串回,后续更换TRU1,测试正常。
(一)Transformer rectifiers units (TRUs)介绍
飞机有三个TRU,用于将115V AC交流电转化为28V DC直流电

—TRU 1 gets power from the AC transfer bus 1. TRU 1 output connects directly to DC bus 1.
—TRU 2 gets power from the AC transfer bus 2. TRU 2 output connects directly to DC bus 2.
—TRU 3 usually gets power from AC transfer bus 2. AC transfer bus 1 supplies back up power through R622 if normal power is lost. The primary use of TRU 3 is as a power source for the battery bus.
(二)TR UNIT点亮解读

The amber TR UNIT light comes to show a TRU failure. The light comes on for any of these conditions:
—Any TRU fails on the ground
—TRU 1 fails in flight
—TRU 2 and TRU 3 fail in flight.
- TRU 1 current is less than 5 Amps and transfer bus 1 is supplying 115 VAC, 400 HZ.
- TRU 2 current is less than 5 amps and transfer bus 2 is supplying 115 VAC, 400 HZ.
- TRU 3 voltage is less than 18 VDC and transfer buses 1 and 2 are supplying 115 VAC, 400 HZ.

针对本次故障,飞机在地面时TR UNIT点亮,因此可以初步判断TRU1/2/3有故障,通过进一步检查TRU的电流及电压情况,判断TRU1故障,检查发现跳开关跳出。
通过前述原理介绍,TRU1被认为故障的逻辑时AC BUS1有115V AC,且TRU1的电流小于5 amps,所以可能的故障原因就TRU1本体故障(实际无法产生足够电流)或者相关线路故障(实际输出电流满足要求,但是因为线路问题导致实际的电流不满足要求)
因为电源系统多个部件和逻辑之间有关联,往往增加了故障判断和排故的时间,因此日常在遇到此类故障时,需要对各个逻辑条件的影响因素进行识别。这对TR UNIT点亮,在可以快速做出初步判断,对于突发故障,需要掌握故障快速判断方法。
具体验证方法参考FIM 24-31 TASK 826 TR UNIT Light – Fault Isolation初始评估步骤,思路就是将P5-13板选择旋钮分别放在TRU1/2/3位置,检查电压电流是否满足要求(电压22-30V,带电流大于5)
- 在进行上述检查时,BUS TRANS switch要置于OFF,检查结束后记得恢复原始位置
- 不能简单的将P5-13上旋钮旋至TRU位查看相应电流电压值,一定要按照FIM手册,拔出相应跳开关,再进行核实参数是否满足要求